

Acolyte Dismissal B
Achievement, Discourse on H
Acknowledgment, Prefatory D
Acknowledgment, Consummatory D
Address, Welcoming J
Admonition to the Senses G
Affirmations, Sabian A
Benediction of the Elements D
Benediction, Sabian K
Blessing of the Offering M
Ceremonies of Dedication E
Chaldean Dismissal L
Challenge of the Hierarch D
Consecration to the Indwelling Spirit F
Consummatory Acknowledgment D
Dedication Ceremonies E
Dedication, Dismissal at L
Discourse on Achievement H
Discourse on Inspiration A
Discourse on StewardshipD
Dismissal, Acolyte B
Dismissal, Chaldean L
Dismissal, Dedication L
Dismissal, Healing E
Doxology, Sabian F
Elements, Benediction of D
Elements, Grace to M
Evocation on the Steps J
Ezekiel, Message of M
Full Moon Ceremony B
Fullness of the Year, Prayer to C
Grace to the Elements M
Healing Dismissal E
Hierarch, Challenge of D
Hierarch, Message of K
Indwelling Spirit, Consecration to F
Inspiration, Discourse on A
Intonation of the Sacred Vowels J
Invocation to the Living Flame E
Isaiah Recension: see Message of the Hierarch
Living Flame, Invocation to E
Meditation on the Healing Gifts F
Meditation on the Solar Breath C
Message of Ezekiel M
Message of the Hierarch K
Offering, Blessing of M
Parting Adoration, Prayer of H
Prayer of Parting Adoration H
Prayer to the Fullness of the Year C
Prefatory Acknowledgment D
Psalms Recension: see Challenge of the Hierarch
Realization, Statements of G
Sabian Affirmations A
Sabian Benediction K
Sabian Doxology F
Sacred Vowels, Intonation of J
Senses, Admonition to G
Solar Breath, Meditation on C
Statement of Sabian Expectation M
Statement of Sabian Objective A
Statements of Realization and Thanks G
Steps, Evocation on J
Stewardship, Discourse on D
Thanks, Statements of G
Vowels, Intonation of Sacred J
Welcoming Address J

The Pledges, their Imprimatur and Index
Acolyte, legate and neophyte pledges L
The junior pledge F

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